My Profile:
Christine Sutton I am Christine Sutton, an experienced Practitioner in EFT and PTT, Reiki and Reflexology. [javascript protected email address] My Website
Christine Sutton
I am Christine Sutton. My aim is to work with you to improve your physical and emotional health – all healing must come from within and I can help you to find the best way for you to begin the process and aid you through it.
I have been a holistic therapist since 2004 and have worked successfully with a wide range of clients and conditions, both emotional and physical. My background is in medical research and subsequently I worked in Chiropody/Podiatry for several years before becoming interested in a more holistic approach to healing. I now work with the intention of improving the health of my clients using a range of different therapies.
My primary healing tool is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) but I often mix and match this with Reiki and Reflexology depending on the needs of each client during each consultation. I also train students in EFT and Reiki and have had the privilege of watching many of my students blossom and grow as they gain confidence and experience. They go on, in their turn, to touch the lives of many more people than I could reach alone. I am so grateful for the choices and chances that have led me to what I do now. It has been and continues to be the journey of a lifetime.
Everyone’s healing pathway is as unique as they are, let me help you to find your own way towards your place of personal peace...... It is there you know, all you have to do is allow it to be.
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