My Profile:
Lauren I'm Lauren, a trained practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and holistic therapies, based in North-West London. And I believe if you change your thinking, you can change your life.
Don't let anxiety take over your life.
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We all know what it's like to feel scared - from walking down a dark street to screaming on a roller coaster. Our senses are on alert, our heart starts pounding and we feel anything from anxious to completely petrified.
But for some of us, fear can get out of hand and start to affect our daily life. Do you:
- Feel scared to go out in case you run into an animal or object that fills you with terror?
- Dread certain social situations like public speaking or taking a flight?
- Panic when leaving the house in case you've left an appliance on or a door unlocked?
- Feel overwhelmed by worries about money, security and the future?
Here at Fear-Busters, I can help you unlock your fear and go from feeling trapped and anxious to free and positive.
I'm Lauren, a trained practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and holistic therapies, based in north-west London. And I believe if you change your thinking, you can change your life.
EFT is a simple, pain-free and effective healing technique. It can tackle the stress at the root of many emotional and physical issues, from fear of dogs and spiders to complex phobias like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
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