My Profile:
Philip Davis Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer. Developer of the Picture Tapping Technique. [javascript protected email address] My Website
I am a qualified Advanced Practitioner in EFT and I am dedicated to helping you to resolve your problems. My goal is to help you to restore your health, to brighten your outlook, to calm your fears, to remove your pain and to remove your anxieties.
I believe very strongly in self-empowerment. Everyone’s healing pathway is very different and it is my aim to help clients along the way to their own personal goals in a timeframe that meets their personal needs. Its all about empowerment. Empowerment to help resolve issues so that coping with all that life has to offer is achieved without even thinking about it.
My history is that many years ago, I discovered that I was able to help people to heal. This healing ability was formalised when I was Reiki attuned. For the next few years, I enjoyed some success as a Reiki healer. However, I felt in my bones that Reiki was not the end for me, as far as healing went.
Over the years I have come into contact with many healing methods. But I discovered that EFT proved to be the most versatile, powerful and user-friendly tool to aid healing that I have ever seen.
Every day, I am awed by the effectiveness of EFT and as practitioner and trainer I have seen it touch and change the lives of so many people.
If you have any problems, and have difficulties in any area of your life, give me a call for a free discussion about how EFT can help you!
Feel free to phone or email either of us for more information on any of the therapies or to book an appointment.
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