My Profile:
Sheila Wardale BACP Accredited Counsellor. AAMET trained Advanced EFT Practitioner including Picture Tapping Technique. Matrix Reimprinting Certified Practitioner. PSYCH-K Facilitator. Qualified Life Coach. Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation Techniques. [javascript protected email address] My Website
My background is over 20 years experience in psychotherapy as an Accredited BACP Counsellor. Following introduction to EFT in 2005 I went on to also become qualified as an Advanced Practitioner of this wonderful technique. I work solely in private practice offering a service to individuals and couples. I offer techniques such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, PSYCH-K, Minfulness Meditation and Relaxation and am able to bring into my work the added benefit of my long term Counselling experience and Life Coaching expertise. My aim is to help people find the freedom to live more fully with greater awareness and understanding. I work on a face-to-face basis, by telephone or via Skype. My telephone number is 01793 490211 and my Skype address is Sheila.Wardale. For more information please visit my website at
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